Tag Archives: WildBlue

green-homeFlorida might just be about to go greener. That is of course, if the proposed WildBlue development is approved and thereafter created. Situated right by the Florida Gulf Coast University, Lee County, the project is a unification of property development and green living. The housing will be put up in the Panther Habitat Area and Groundwater Resource Area and will encompass one thousand homes, over 3,500 acres.

Next week there will be a discussion of these plans led by Real Estate Investment Society's (REIS) Private Equity Group.  The discussion will be led by Don Schrotenboer from the group and will focus on the project’s “innovative planning and exceptional conservation efforts.”

Right now the project is still awaiting approval. Once that happens, design will commence and then ways of expanding the current 332 units to 1,000 clustered ones – surrounded by lakes and preserves – will forge ahead.

Ultimately should it gain approval, WildBlue will offer an incredible chance for restoring the environment. General restoration, such as Stewart Cypress Slough is also in the plan and funding will come from private sources.