Palm Beach County Housing Summit 2017

At the end of last month, the Palm Beach County Commissioners, County Administrator, decision-makers, community leaders and others in the region, assembled at the Palm Beach County Convention Center for a six-hour annual summit.  The focus of the Palm Beach Housing Summit was to find a way to “reduce financial barriers, policy and regulatory barriers while exploring innovative tools and models that will provide the housing options that will keep pace with growth in our community.”

It was very productive for those with an interest in the maintenance of a sustainable community such as real estate employees, lenders, housing counselors, non-profits, etc.

One of the topics discussed was how to respond to the increasing challenge of providing affordable housing for youngsters.  Crisis Housing Solutions executive director Craig Vanderlaan suggested the use of shipping containers to build more affordable housing as has been the case in London (for a shopping mall), Los Angeles (housing for veterans) and the Netherlands (student housing).