Tag Archives: mobile homes

florida-mobile-homeOne way to avoid foreclosure because of hefty mortgages could be to go mobile. Another could be to develop a closer-knit community. Whatever is the reason, Florida housing seems to be moving increasingly towards mobile homes, especially over the last two-and-a-half years.

The majority of those people moving into mobile homes so far in Florida are in the 55+ range. But that seems to be changing.   But now it seems young families are being added to the mix. According to Karen Rearden who works for Four Star Homes, they are selling between 100 and 120 mobile homes each month in the Florida area.

It’s definitely a way to get on the property ladder. A two-bed, two-bath home in Volusia County goes for around $37,000. That’s definitely a more manageable way to buy a first home. And is a great option for retirees or others who are looking for a home of their own, without risking foreclosure as they can’t afford the mortgage.

And they sell quick. Indeed, a lot of them are sold online, with buyers not even “seeing” them except virtually. If Florida housing is moving in this direction, it could well become a trend setter for other parts of the country drowning in the housing rut. According to the US Census Bureau, there are currently 8.6 million mobile homes countrywide.