Monthly Archives: October 2017

Yes, Florida has been subject to terrible earthquakes and destruction recently.  But things are still moving forward with real estate.  Earlier this month the Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board held a discussion on affordable housing in connection with the next Florida Forward forum. Key participants included: Osceola County Commissioner Viviana Janer; Seminole County Commissioner Lee Constantine; Rudolph C. Cleare, Executive VP of The “Negro Spiritual” Scholarship Foundation and Ben Hoyer, founder/director of Downtown CREDO.

On 26th October, we get to take part in The Real Deal’s South Real Estate Showcase and Forum at Soho Studios just featuring an additional panel in response to Irma and the impacts of storm surge on real estate.  Featuring an entire day of programming, four panels will examine all parts of the real estate market.  Local merchants will be on hand offering food and drinks. Those taking part come from: EWM Realty International, KKAID, Cervera Real Estate, Miami Real Estate Group, among others.

Then there is the Minto Community vision which is seeking to bring an idyllic lifestyle at Westlake, right in the center of Palm Beach County.  According to Minto Communities president Mike Belmont: “Westlake offers families the chance to be part of something new and exciting, to experience the future of Florida living in a brand-new city. “We call it Life in Motion – the more active, more connected and more convenient lifestyle people are looking for today.” Grand opening of the community is set for later this month on October 28, where six new model homes will be unveiled, along with a new 9,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art sales center with interactive displays, a café, children’s playroom and an interior design center. With it being in Westlake, residents will be able to enjoy a vibrant town center featuring local and national retailers, restaurants and services nearby, as well as a very lively calendar of events.